
Visit Guadalajara City

Visit Guadalajara City

Guadalajara is living like a big celebration, that’s because we will be hosting the Panamerican Games to be held in October here in the Perla Tapatía.

Guadalajara City Visit
Guadalajara City Visit

To know our city is a wonderful experience, full of surprises and unexpected because the turn around in some corner you will find something surprising.

Guadalajara and its surrounding towns offer a wealth of cultural and historical sites to explore. Tlaquepaque is a charming colonial town just a few miles from Guadalajara that is famous for its beautiful architecture, art galleries, and handicrafts. Here are some of the top places to see in Tlaquepaque

Guadalajara historic Centrer

For fun in Guadalajara try this historic plaza is the heart of Tlaquepaque’s downtown and is surrounded by beautiful colonial buildings that house restaurants, shops, and artisan studios. The plaza is lined with colorful umbrellas and is a popular spot for street musicians and performers.

Tours in Guadalajara is filled with many monuments, and importants and recognized buildings, such as the Rotunda of Illustrious Men, where the most featured jalisciences are resting in peace, and who have marked their place in history.

This beautiful church is located in the heart of Tlaquepaque and is a prime example of colonial-era architecture. The church features beautiful frescoes and a stunning altar, and is a must-see for anyone interested in history and architecture.

Casa-Museo Lopez Portillo this museum is located in a beautiful colonial mansion and showcases the life and work of former Mexican president Jose Lopez Portillo. The museum features a collection of Mexican folk art, as well as photographs and memorabilia from Lopez Portillo’s time in office.

Guadalajara Artistic places to see

At the same time, in the center there are many other places representative of the city. The stories that these places have in themselves are special because they mark an urban legend in our city.

Visit Guadalajara City

In Guadalajara, you can not just sightseeing, you can also find the daily lives of its inhabitants who will welcome you with warmth in their lives and you can socialize.

Visit the Hospicio Cabañas is an 18th-century building is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is home to a museum and cultural center dedicated to Mexican art and history. Be sure to check out the stunning murals by Jose Clemente Orozco that cover the interior of the building.

Guadalajara Cabañas Art Museum

Also Guadalajara life at night is a moment that is more than respected: the nightlife in town is enviable, there are places for everyone.

For more information on how to find these places you visit our web site Guadalajara Tours.

Explore Tlaquepaque to enjoy this charming town just outside of Guadalajara is known for its beautiful architecture, traditional handicrafts, and delicious cuisine. Spend an afternoon browsing the local shops and galleries, sampling the local tequila and cuisine, and enjoying the vibrant atmosphere.

Guadalajara is a vibrant and exciting city with something for everyone. From its rich cultural heritage to its delicious cuisine and stunning natural landscapes, there are countless things to see and do in this beautiful city. Whether you’re a history buff, an outdoor enthusiast, or simply looking for a fun and memorable vacation, Guadalajara is the perfect destination. So why not start planning your trip today and discover all the amazing things that this beautiful city has to offer

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The Belén Cemetery

In 1848, the Belén Cemetery (also known as the Santa Paula Cemetery) was established next to the Old Civil Hospital in what was then the San Miguel Belén Orchard. The address is 684 Belén St.

The design of this cemetery was charged to the architects Manuel Gómez Ibarra upon to the request of the Bishop Diego de Aranda y Carpinteiro. Hhe was the same architect who rebuilt the Cathedral’s towers after an earthquake had destroyed the original ones.

H e also built the dome of the city’s Cabañas Cultural Institute. The Belén Cemetery only functioned during 50 years, at which time, in 1986, it was closed by order of the health authorities. Since then, it has become a sort of museum piece, capturing the 19th century, pre-revolutionary period within its thick walls.

Belén Cemetery

The cemetery design is neo-classic with the romantic influence of that century. The main doorway walls are of red quarrystone; overhead a grand arch with a high relief representation of two little boys crying. Back of them is an urn over which represent this passing of time. The mausoleum has 900 niches. The columns are made of carved pink stone and ionic finishes. The main cemetery is full of tombstones of all sizes and styles covering baroque, neo-classic, romantic and neo-gothic. Larges trees provide shade.
In the central portion, there is a chapel dedicated to the state’s outstanding men honored for their contribution to science, the arts, law and religion. Even though the cemetery no longer functions on a normal basis, it is open to visitors Monday to Sunday to 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. It has become the custom silent corner of this graveryard, perhaps as a symbol of the constant regeneration of new life.

Foodie Tour

Foodie Tour Guadalajara

Are you a food enthusiast with a taste for adventure? Do you yearn to explore the authentic flavors of a destination? Look no further than Guadalajara, a city where culinary traditions and vibrant street food culture take center stage. And what better way to immerse yourself in this gastronomic paradise than by joining Panoramex Tours on a delectable journey through Guadalajara’s renowned Gastronomic Market?

Panoramex, a trusted name in local travel experiences, has curated a gastronomic tour like no other. Led by knowledgeable local experts, this culinary adventure promises to unveil the hidden gems of Guadalajara’s food scene, allowing you to sample a wide array of traditional dishes and savor the city’s rich culinary heritage.

Imagine strolling through the bustling Gastronomic Market, your senses instantly awakened by the enticing aromas wafting through the air. With Panoramex as your guide, you’ll navigate the maze of street food stalls and local vendors, each offering their unique specialties. From savory tacos to mouthwatering tamales, you’ll encounter a treasure trove of authentic Mexican cuisine, prepared with love and passed down through generations.

Your experienced Panoramex guide will introduce you to the stories behind each dish, sharing fascinating insights into the culinary traditions of Guadalajara. Discover the secrets of the local ingredients and learn about the cooking techniques that make these dishes truly exceptional. With every bite, you’ll gain a deeper appreciation for the flavors that define Guadalajara’s gastronomy.

But the Gastronomic Market is just the beginning. Panoramex goes the extra mile to ensure a truly immersive experience. As part of the tour, you’ll have the opportunity to engage with the local vendors and artisans, witnessing their passion firsthand. Learn the art of making tortillas or witness the intricate process of crafting traditional sweets. It’s a chance to connect with the people behind the food, forging lasting memories and friendships along the way.

Foodie Tour Guadalajara

What sets Panoramex apart is their commitment to providing a personalized experience. The tour groups are kept small, allowing for intimate interactions and tailored recommendations based on your preferences. Whether you’re a daring food explorer or prefer milder flavors, Panoramex ensures that your culinary journey is customized to suit your tastes, ensuring an unforgettable experience for every participant.

Beyond the Gastronomic Market, Panoramex will introduce you to other culinary highlights of Guadalajara. From hole-in-the-wall taquerias to trendy foodie destinations, you’ll explore the city’s diverse dining landscape, indulging in flavors that will leave an indelible mark on your palate. With Panoramex’s insider knowledge, you’ll discover the hidden gems and local favorites that are often overlooked by tourists.

So, fellow foodies, it’s time to embark on a gastronomic adventure like no other. Let Panoramex be your guide as you navigate the vibrant streets of Guadalajara, savoring the tastes, aromas, and stories that make this city a culinary haven. Book your gastronomic tour today and get ready to unlock the true flavors of Guadalajara with Panoramex. Your taste buds will thank you!

Guadalajara A Different Place to Discover

Guadalajara A Different Place to Discover

To discover our city is a wonderful experience, full of surprises and unexpected situations because when you turn around in some corner you will find something amazing  Guadalajara is full of many important monuments and buildings and recognized, such as the rotunda of the illustrious men, resting place of the children of Jalisco that marked his place in history.

GuadalajaraAt the same time in the center there are many other places representative of the city. The stories narrated in these places are special because they mark an urban legend in our city.
In Guadalajara, you can not only visit monuments you can find the daily lives of its inhabitants who will welcome you with warmth in their lives and you can socialize.
Also the night life Guadalajara is a more than respectable, the nightlife in the city of Guadalajara is enviable, there are places for everyone.
For more information on how to find these places visit our website

Visit Chapala Lake Ajijic Mezcala Island: an Intriguing and fascinating Place

Visit Chapala Lake Ajijic Mezcala Island: an Intriguing and fascinating Place

Mezcala Island is near the town of Mezcala, on the northern shore of Lake Chapala, about an hour from Guadalajara, Mexico.

From 1812 to 1816, a small band of Mexican rebels on the island held off the Spanish army and navy against overwhelming odds. Tired of the humiliation, the Spanish finally negotiated a peaceful surrender with the insurgents. Later the island served as a Spanish prison for many years.

There is a Ceremonial precinct where indigenous structures and hieroglyphics existed on the island before the fortifications were built, there are still traces remaining. Now the ruins are being catalogued and restored by the Mexican National Institute of Anthropology and History.

Tours of the island can begin from Guadalajara with gdltours Your guide will drive you to Chapala and take a small boat to the Mezcala Island. The tour of the island itself takes about an hour once the boat launch brings you to the island’s shore. Be sure to wear good shoes for walking through the ruins and rubble.

Your guide will share with you a few intriguing secrets about this island that regular travelers never see or overlook.

On the way back from the island, you can enjoy the fresh breezes and feel the heat evaporate from your body.

The tour to Mezcala is at least five hours long and to recuperate from the heat and the sun your gdl Tour Guide will recommend a cold beer.

Blue Agave a truly Mexican Endemic Spicies

Blue Agave a truly Mexican Endemic SpiciesAgave fields

Blue Agave a truly Mexican Endemic Spicies in Tequila jalisco Mexico

Agave is an old Greek word that refered to a goddess of fertility. Today this word is used to name a family of plants. In Mexico the goddess of fertility was named Mayahuel, the godess of the 400 breasts. She was known as the god of the pulque. There are over two hundred species of agaves but only four of them are recognized to been able to produce alcohol. Out of them four only one is known to make tequila. The name of this agave plant is name Tequilana Weber Agave blue. Blue because when you see it from a few feet apart it looks like its blue. What it makes it appear blue is this cape that is on the stalks of the plant. This cape also helps the plant to protect it from the sun rays, and the plague. It was named Weber because in the 1910s a scientist named France Webber came to our country and named the plant after his name. Before the plant was renamed it was known as Mayahuel “pulque goddess”, she remains most strongly associated with the plant as the source, rather than pulque as the end product.

The agave is a unique plant. What it makes it so special is the years it takes to grow and mature. It takes 12 years for this plant to grow. The older Agaves reproduce tillers, after two years of the tillers age they get replant. After they get replant we have to wait another 10 years to be able to cook and get at least one drop of alcohol. Is a really long time we have to wait, but it is worth the effort. When the plant is ready to be jimada (harvested) the jimador cuts all the stalks of leaving just the heart of the plant. The heart of the plant looks like a pine apple. When the harvest has enough pine apples ready for a load they load up the truck and transport them to the distillery for the cooking process.

Blue Agave a truly Mexican Endemic Spicies

Once they get to the distillery the pines get cut in half before the workers place them inside the ovens. Each oven holds up to 22 tons of pines, and cooks them in a period time of 12 to 14 hours. Then the pines after been cooked are submitted to the squeezing process. Here at this process is where the machine squeezes all the goods out of the pine. The goods are taken to a stain steel container. Each container is capable to hold up to 30,000 liters. When the liquid is inside the containers we now have to wait 36 hours to be able to move on the next step. The next step is distillation.

At the distillation the alcohol is obtained and the water separate. The liquid is placed in to the alambiques in a temperature of 90 to 110. We go through the distillation process two times. Among the reason we do it two times is because on the first time we only get 20 to 25 % of alcohol, and on the second distillation we obtain 50 to 55% alcohol.

It takes a really long time to produce tequila and that is why I think we should learn to appreciate the value of the tequila. We need to know the proper way of drinking it, and the different kinds of tequilas.

If you are interested in learning more about this fascitating subject and looking into the secrets of how the flavors are obtained, I am more than happy to prepare a special visit to one of the 120 tequila distilleries in this area.

To discover this and other interesting places visit our webiste for the Best Tours in Guadalajara a selection of great activities in Guadalajara.


Call: +52 33 1578-0421

Living Sculptures Tlaquepaque

Living Sculptures Tlaquepaque  Nutters or Contemporary Art?

Works by contemporary artists have been exhibited from The American Center Paris, France, to the Museum of Modern Art, New York USA. The Favelas of Barcelona offer this show as well.

This mobile art, I should say, Inmobile art, the sculptures will be in  Tlaquepaque down town along pedestrian street on  Friday 3 December from 16:30 hrs – 20:30 hrs. In its artistic expression bears the sun, cold, fatigue, hunger and other vagaries of life for 4 hours.

Through this body art  a variety of feelings are transmitted. With their  costumes, gestures and position of their bodies express tenderness and cruelty, love and hate, peace or violence. Although beauty is really in the eyes of the viewer. . Ourselves we will be exploring our intimate corners, like admiring a reflection of us in the mirror.

The peasant of the picture gives us apples with tenderness and sympathy, whereas the sleeping man presents us with some irony, the bittersweet taste of life. Both though very different in their expressions, pretend that our view is as nice in our journey through the world.

Their effort will be appreciated by passers of Tlaquepaque, at least  one of them will be outside the GDL Tours office, Independencia 329, so tips and your cooperation for these artists is needed, pampering them is needed to they continue to transmit this contemporary art.
Think about it dear reader, it is not easy and it is very challenge to stay in one position for so long.

Gus Melor offers tours of Tlaquepaque gusmelor@gdltours.com

Identity of Tlaquepaque

Tlaquepaque Tour Artesania
Artasanía (Foto de Rover Nvno)

Tlaquepaque was appointed by his ancestors centuries ago. Emerged from the mountainous land, rich in clay, the same land that gave birth to master potters, which in turn gives Tlaquepaque their identity and heritage.

Today, it has become a boomtown, with the same craftsmanship that had makes heart siglos.  Tlaquepaque streets are full of charming, traditional houses made of adobe, stone quarry buildings, museums, art galleries, culture , food, fun and entertainment.  Tlaquepaque is only 20 minutes from down town Guadalajara, in Mexico.

On 25 March 1530 (an historic day) that took place in the land of the kingdom of Tonala and all surrounding villages, where the Spanish conquistadors were raised in triumph, of victory.

During the colonial period, Tlaquepaque was known as San Pedro and was part of the Viceroyalty of Nueva Galicia. Relying on the efforts of native workers with talent, the Spanish crown encouraged by the development of handicraft and introduced new techniques in Europe and worldwide, making this a town of producing floor, tiles and bricks, most important of the century mundo Durante XVIII, Spanish and Creole rich neoclassical mansions built their summer here, local artisans were gaining recognition throughout the viceroyalty for their ability to create great pieces of pottery.

que hermoso

No need to delve too deeply to discover that beneath the surface of modern living Tlaquepaque tradition that have survived for centuries, we can observe this tradition, just walking the streets. Especially the pedestrian street (Independence) All the galleries, hotels, restaurants, Ext … are remnants of old farms and mansions.

Historic House we will see during the tour is invaluable architectural structure. You find the house in Calle Independencia 208. This colonial house was witness to important events that changed the course of history that your guide will recount.

Arcos Atesanales

The traditional bridge is the gateway to the most artistic of the city, built in 1978.

Nuestro templo

Another great piece of art we have here in San Pedro and we are proud to present the bronze statue of the apostle of the Church, John Paul II also known as Pope travelers. This statue is located and is proudly standing next to the beautiful Church of San Pedro. The statue shows the Pope with a serene and friendly, like he always said. In her hands are symbols that identify it. He will live in the hearts of the citizens of Tlaquepaque forever.


If you like scary stories and places I recommend visiting the shelter here in Tlaquepaque to tell their stories and legends that tell the village elders. Some people say that the voices of the past can be heard inside, while others say that souls have returned, and others talk about ghostly apparitions.

They may be right, a visit to The Refuge is sure to revive anyone. Today, El Refugio cultural center shows the country’s most beautiful expression of art and culture, was built in 1885, the building originally served as a convent for the Sister Josephine and a spiritual retreat center.

El Refugio de Tlaquepaque later became a hospital and was rebuilt in 1983 and acquired by the council. The larges and most beautiful expressions of our culture will be shown by your GDL Tour guides.

Tlaquepaque is the most important crafts center in Mexico. Most ancient cultures believe that man was created from dust. Here, the same applies to crafts. Mother Nature has provided us with four essential elements: earth, water, air and fire. The hands of talented artisans in Tlaquepaque shape these natural gifts ritual amazing works of functional and ornamental value.

It is absolutely necessary to see these talented craftsmen at work, this guided tour is designed for your enjoyment for 5 hours, visit the artisans working where visitors can buy directly from their memories and works of art.

Each piece serves as a voice for the value, feelings and dreams of the craftsman who has lent his talents to create this beautiful treasure.
